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Freedom Betrayed--Lost Statesmanship 16


Sixteenth. The sixteenth time of blind statesmanship was Truman at Potsdam. Power had now passed to inexperienced men on the democratic countries and the Communicsts had their way at everry consequential point. The whole Potsdam agreement was a series of ratifications and amplifications of the previous surrenders to Stalin. Not only were all the Communist annexatons and puppets further cemented to Stalin but the provisions as to governments in Germany and Austria were so set as to send parts of these states into Stalin's bosom. The result of reparations policies was to load the American taxpayers with billions of the cost for relief of idel Germans and stifle the recovery of Germany and thus of Europe for years. The wickedness of salvery of war prisoners, the expelling of whole peoples form therir homes was ratified and amplified from Yalta.

Beyond all this, against advice form leading men, the ultimatum ws issued to Japna of unconditional surrender without the saving clause allowing them to retain the Mikado recommeded by a score of experienced American voices. The Japanese、 in reply、 asked only for this cocession , which was met with the atomic bomb--and then conceded in the end.

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