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Freedom Betrayed--Overture 2

著者のGeorge H. Nash氏は、A historian, lecturer, and authority on the life of Hervert Hoover, his publications inclede threee volumes of a definitive, scholarly biograpy of Hoover and the mnonograph Herbert Hoover and Stanford University. A graduate of Amherst College and holder of a PhD in history form Harvard University, he received the Richard M. Weaver Prize for Scholarly Letters in 2008. と紹介されている。要するに、フーバー大統領の伝記を研究して、決定版となる三巻の本の著者である。

さて、Herbert Hoover(1874-1964)は、President of the United State from 1929 to 1933 and an internatinally acclaimed humanitarian, he was the authour of more than thirty books and founder of Hoover Institution on War, Revolution adn Peace at Stanford University. フーバー大統領の名前は、スタンフォード大学にあり、フーバーが創設した戦争と、革命と平和を研究する研究所につけられている。

このFreedom Betrayedのハードカバー版は、そのフーバー研究所の出版部から刊行されている。当方が購入した価格は、32.97米ドルであった。先述した運送業者のUPSの運送賃が15.98米ドルであったから、総額48.95ドルになった。

"Nearly fifty years after  his death, Herbert Hoover returns as the ultimate revisionist historian, prosecuting his heavily docmumented indictment of US foreign policy before, during, and after the Second World War. Brilliantly edited by George Nash, Freedom Betrayed is as pasionate as it is provocative. Many do noubt will dispute Hoover's strategic vision. But few can dispute the historical significance of this unique volume, published even as Americans of the twenty-first century debate their moral and military obligations." Richard Norton Smith is presidential historian and author, former director of several presidential libararies, and current scholar in residence at George Mason University

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