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Organized and Systematic Crime?

ロンドンの新聞 インディペンダントの読者のコメント欄には,次のようなコメントが掲載されている。イギリス人のロンドンオリンピックを台無しにした韓国サッカーチームに対する怒りのコメントがある。それに、韓国からの言い訳がましい投稿もあるが、ことの重大性を理解していないような風である。ジョンブルの名誉が台無しになった。イギリスは名誉が犯されたとなると想像できないくらい過剰反応するが、そんな状況だろう。


In summary, Korean propaganda demonstrated in the Olympics field was a systematic campaign. 


1. Most of Korean players enjoyed the propaganda by Park Jong-woo together with a smile, and never stop him 


2. A man who handed a sign with a political message to a Korean soccer player, Park Jong-woo, was wearing a small chest badge which shows a member of the Korean Association of Athletes or something. 


3. In addition, Korean President Lee Myung-Bak decided to visit the disputed outcrops in the Sea of Japan just before the match between Japan and Korea. 


4. Moreover, some Korean newspapers reported that, in an interview soon after the third place match, the Korean captain said that the team had planned a goal celebration with the aim to appeal South Korean sovereignty over the disputed islands. 


This was not carried out, but instead they did "banzai" performance after their second goal. An article on the Korea Economic Daily suggests that in Korea the ritual is normally associated with their liberation from the colonial rule. 二点目をあげたときに万歳をした。

If so, we have to conclude that the Korean team had a strong intention beforehand to take the opportunity of the Olympic Games and make a one-sided claim. It clearly violates Olympic Charter Chapter 5 which bans political messages.



Taken together, the propaganda is planned, organized crime, and all Korean team members must be sued for joint responsibility for it.」

All Korean players never stop Jong-woo.


Don't let South Korea participate in the Olympic Games.」


Korean presidential candidate Kim Dookwan said “What’s wrong with asserting our territorial rights? IOC must revoke their ’political’ decision” on Twitter yesterday. Korean politicians seem to have no intention of keeping the Olympic charter.」

You are so right. The enjoyment of billions of viewers worldwide has been irrevocably "marred" by this appalling, cataclysmic disaster, which casts the entire Games into a completely different and sinister light.数億人の視聴者は、この災難の被害者となった。オリンピック全体が、駄目になった。
Why didn't Coe commit hari-kari immediately?」


You might think you are funny but I stayed up till the wee small hours last night watching an immense light, music and fireworks show hoping against hope that there would be an apology or even some sort of compensation for my hurt feelings.」


I'm not really sure how those tens of thousands of people could bear to enjoy themselves given this disaster」

IOC should deprive bronze-medal of Korean team.」


The issue is South korea spread their propaganda for territory in Olympic time, not why.」

So, I Think, in this case, this problem must be judged strictly by IOC and IOC should control to make other countries not behave like this never again.」

IOC must be > this probrem must be ..........

Ko • a day ago
Korean presidential candidate Kim Dookwan said “What’s wrong with 
asserting our territorial rights? IOC must revoke their ’political’ 
decision” on Twitter.



Korean politicians seem to have no intention of keeping the Olympic charter.」

I bet you've been gagging to write this article and all you could come up with is this. It's a bit weak don't you think?


The UK did us all proud and even an old misery like me managed to enjoy it.」

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha」

The end.」


Jeez, bit of an overreaction calling the Koreans' actions "organised crime".

1. Nothing wrong with a Korean president visiting the Korean island of Dokdo, which is, and always has been, inhabited by Korean civilians and Korean police force. Regardless of an upcoming football match.


2. The "banzai" performance is incorrect - it's called "manse" in Korean - while they both mean "ten thousand years", banzai was what Japanese soldiers screamed in WW2 in suicidal charges, whereas manse is a sport-related "hip-hip-hurray". A bit of a difference.



Perhaps, this action is not organised crime.

But I think you misunderstand the severity of this issue.

1. This is the first event that current Korean president visit Takeshima in South Korea history. He is president of south Korea, not just civilians nor police force but commander of Korean army.
The meaning is totally different. 


2. At the same date, he did this performance in Olympic game as a national soccer team player.

3. As Juuichi said, 
the Korean captain said that the team had planned a goal celebration with the aim to appeal South Korean sovereignty over the disputed islands.


4. Japan Football Association had received an apology by e-mail from the Korea Football Association regarding a South Korean player who displayed a political message after his team beat Japan in the bronze-medal match at the London Olympics. So they've already recognized that this is violation of
Olympic Charter Chapter 5 .


I think this Korean player already has enough reasons to recognize as violator of 
Olympic Charter.」


On twitter, it was found that the guy belongs to Korean Football Association showed the same kind of placard at a audience seat. The picture to prove was attached on the tweet. This action occurred not because of a stupid athlete but because of a number of stupid people including KFA and other players who did not stop the behavior. I hope they would respect sports, opponent and Olympic.」

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